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with Freya Oostingh

  • Ended
  • 140 US dollars
  • The Nest Collaborative

What to expect...

Name: RESTART® with Freya Oostingh Dates: Mondays, February 19-March 18 (5 weeks) Time: 11:00-12:15pm Location: The Nest Collaborative Cost: $140 Registration: email: Description: RESTART® your optimal health in just 5 weeks using real food + real learning + real support = real results. This program is a simple, powerful way to give your body a vacation from sugar and processed foods. It includes a 3-week sugar detox and focuses on how to use real food to boost your energy and cut sugar and carb cravings. Discover how good you can feel when you kick the sugar addiction/habit. Participants have experienced increased energy, more restful sleep, boosted immune system, increased clarity, and focus, and even decreased anxiety. Snacks are an integral part of the program, always! You'll learn: Week 1: How to prepare for your real food sugar detox. Week 2: Your digestive check-in Week 3: What sugar really does in your body Week 4: The truth about fats Week 5: How to move forward and celebrate your success. Freya is a certified nutritional therapist, bioenergetic health coach and Bredesen Protocol practitioner. Her perspective on health and healing took a major shift when she became catastrophically ill for several years and was unable to find help through conventional medicine. Eventually she was able to recover, guided by a profound respect for the body’s innate ability to heal itself through proper nutritional and lifestyle support. Since her recovery, Freya has taken great pleasure in helping others with their health goals, whether it’s specific concerns or simply achieving optimal health and vitality. If you have any questions/concerns, please contact Freya at 610-698-7824 or email

Contact Details

  • 629 Court Street, West Reading, PA, USA

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